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Insurance claim attorney near Idaho Falls ID

Updated: Jul 7, 2022

Smith, Woolf, Anderson & Wilkinson understands the complexity of the law and how there are many kinds of situations that could leave you in need of an attorney. We are a full-service law firm operating in Idaho Falls and Driggs. We serve the Western United States in many legal areas. We do a lot of work in the accident and personal injury area. There are times however when we are on the other side of those types of cases and in those we strive to be the Best Idaho Falls Insurance Defense attorney & Law Firms.

In personal injury cases, lawsuits are filed when people feel they have not been fairly compensated for their loss in an accident. If you were at fault in an accident, you could be on the other side of that equation. You and your insurance company could be sued for additional damages, and that is where the Insurance Defense attorney & Law Firms enter the picture.

Insurance claim attorney

While we often go after insurance companies when we sue for damages, we also defend people who are being sued when the tables are turned. We have won millions of dollars for clients over the years, and we have defended lawsuits that involved millions of dollars as well. While the law is about more than money, it is a good indicator of an attorney's success rate.

Every case has its own unique features. Each one has complexities that make it unique. We take this idea seriously at Smith, Woolf, Anderson & Wilkinson. We take a team approach and treat your case with the care it deserves. We do not offer cookie-cutter solutions because we believe in treating everyone as an individual. Our team will develop the best approach to your specific case, and we will offer a thoroughly detailed representation. We keep our clients fully informed, whether the client is a person injured or an insurance company in need of the Best Idaho Falls Insurance Defense attorney & Law Firms. We can handle your entire case and will keep you informed at every turn. We often negotiate settlements for our clients, but we will go to court when necessary. Whether negotiating or in court, you will have Best Idaho Falls Insurance Defense attorney & Law Firms on your side.

The insurance defense attorney deals in three major areas: defending policyholders when sued, helping determine when a claim must be paid by an insurance company, and making sure insurance companies are following all state and federal regulations.

If you were at fault in an automobile accident for example, and there were serious injuries or a death involved, you could end up sued for damages. Usually, the insurance company pays the damages that are negotiated in the settlement. Sometimes people sue after that or feel the negotiated settlement is not adequate, and pursue legal action. When that happens, we take on the case and defend it as well as possible.

Insurance claim attorney

Our firm handles a lot of different kinds of cases, and we have been on both sides of the personal injury lawsuit business. We have gone after damages when needed, and to court when negotiations do not work. We understand the system. This gives us an advantage when working on an insurance defense case because we know how the other side thinks.

When we think of personal injury cases, automobile accidents come to mind. They are the most common, but there are many kinds of personal injury cases where insurance is involved. This can be from someone falling down on your property, or being injured by something related to your business. You can get insurance on just about anything. When damages or claims are filed, sometimes the insurance company and the policyholder need to be defended.

When you are sued, and you have liability coverage, the insurance company must defend you. Some insurance companies have a list of insurance defense attorneys that users must use, and some allow you to find your own.

If you are involved in such a case, you will have top-notch attorneys on your case from the Best Idaho Falls Insurance Defense attorney & Law Firms. We work in many areas and are well known in the insurance lawsuit area, regardless of which side we are working for. Smith Woolf Anderson & Wilkinson have more than 100 combined years of experience in this field. We have been around a long time, but we keep up with the times and the ever-evolving legal world and give every case the detailed attention it deserves.



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